Back In Full Swing!
Leave a CommentThe summer holidays are now over and The Pumpkin Patch workshops are now back in full swing! All classes started back this week!
This weeks classes are as follows;
Saturday 10am ~ 12 noon Junior class for age 8+
Saturday 2pm ~ 5pm Monthly Juniors age 8+
Monday 6pm ~ 8pm Teens class for age 12+
Thursday 6pm ~ 9pm Student SOS (18+!)
Friday 4pm ~6pm Party Night
The web site is currently being improved, if you need any additional information please call me on (Lisa) 01267 290312 or email me at
Due to the number of children and parents interested in the monthly cookery classes we are in the process of setting up additional classes for the children aged 8+ and 12+ years. Please get in touch soon to reserve a place if these classes are of interest to you.
Hope to see you soon, Lisa x