Sunshine at Last!
Sunshine at last!! It was so great to get out and preparing the raised beds ready for spring. . . ..early I know, but who can resist gardening on such a glorious Saturday morning?
William, Louis and Thomas clearing their raised beds and making the most of the great weather!
We cleared all the remains of last year’s purple sprouting broccoli, harvested some leeks and fed the last of the Swiss card to the bunnies! After all the rain, followed by ice and snow it really was a fantastic feeling to be out in the garden feeling the warmth of the sun on our backs … joy!
The Pumpkin Patch kids at work, busy digging, weeding, composting and thoroughly enjoying themselves in the garden. I can’t wait to get planting, I don’t think I’ve ever looked forward to the Spring so much! Maybe the onion sets can go in next week . . . . I hope the sun’s still shining!