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  • Time to get gardening

      The last few weeks have been a tough few weeks for many people. We have enjoyed several lovely warm days, and due to the lockdown, we’ve had ample time to enjoy our gardens.  Some days have been bright and sunny, but with the a sharp cutting wind, but regardless, the sunshine has been wonderful […]

  • Honey, Honey, Honey!!! At last, some sticky honey!! Although we’ve lost a few bees (Remember the swarm in the garden?! June 2010) we have finally got our hands on the sticky stuff! It tastes great, really tasty. Mmmm!!!! Delicious!

  • It’s Swarm in the Garden

    These are the ones that got away! One minute they were there and the very next… they were gone! It was a hot, very hot Saturday in May. Thankfully The Pumpkin Patch workshop was just about to end… we’d just watered the greenhouse plants… very nearby and then the sky turned black and very noisy!! […]

  • Spring Lamb and Green Fingers! The spring has well and truly arrived with lovely bright mornings and light evenings .. a great time for gardeners! The crisp early mornings are still cold enough to damage small seedlings, so we still need to be careful about what we plant out. Just to remind ourselves that Spring […]

  • Sweet Sweet Success!!! After months of cold winds, severe frosts and week after week of below zero temperatures and snow, the bees decided to reveal their success story!! Once temperatures reached double figures they began to spring clean the hive and we breathed a sigh of relief! They had made it and winter was officially […]